B6D2F1/J (JAX™ mice strain)
Nomenclature: B6D2F1/J
Type: Hybrid
Origin: First generation (F1) progeny of a cross between female JAX™ Mice Strain: C57BL/6J and male JAX™ Mice Strain: DBA/2J. B6D2F1/J mice are heterozygous for B6 and D2 alleles at all loci in their genome.
Coat color: Black
Strain code: 629
Ideal for: Safety and efficacy testing, transgenic/knockout model development, transplantation research, behavioral research.
JAX™ Stock No: 100006
More information about the strain:
Note: Only The Jackson Laboratory and Charles River in Europe and Japan maintain colonies of JAX™ Mice strains which are derived from pedigreed mice from The Jackson Laboratory and are re-infused routinely with pedigreed mice to stabilise the genetic integrity and phenotype of these strains.
JAX™ is a trademark of The Jackson Laboratory registered in the United States. All rights reserved.
Charles River Laboratories is the official distributor of JAX mice in Europe. Click and read more.
Bred in: France
Health reports: Using strain nomenclature find the strain at links below
*Photos provided courtesy of Charles River