
DECRO Telemetry Jackets

The DECRO telemetry jacket is designed for non-invasive physiological monitoring, embedding plethysmographic sensors for respiratory function and securing two external ECG electrodes. It ensures optimal signal quality while allowing rats to move freely without restriction.

Made from high-quality, durable textiles, DECRO jackets provide a secure and comfortable fit tailored to the animal’s morphology. They are available in four sizes (T0 to T3), covering rats weighing from 220 to 700 grams. To choose proper jacket learn more at Etisense webpage.

As part of the DECRO telemetry solution, these jackets work seamlessly with DECRO emitters, the acquisition systems, and LASA software, enabling real-time monitoring and advanced data analysis.

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Product name
JKT-RAT-T0  DECRO Jacket for rat - Size 0
JKT-RAT-T1  DECRO Jacket for rat - Size 1
JKT-RAT-T2  DECRO Jacket for rat - Size 2
JKT-RAT-T3  DECRO Jacket for rat - Size 3