Altromin webinar: “…and what’s inside your feed racks?" – Diets for laboratory animals – a brief overview

Join Altromin webinar "…and what’s inside your feed racks?" – diets for laboratory animals – a brief overview
Abstract: Diet type and feeding regimen are very important factors for both the study design and the interpretation of animal studies. This introductory lecture will give a brief overview of the main differences and types of the available laboratory animal diets, as well as the basic aspects for study planning.
Presenter: Dr. med.-vet. Judith Kirchner-Musmann completed her degree in veterinary medicine in 2008 at the Veterinary School of Hanover, Germany, and directly started to work in the field of laboratory animal science by writing her doctoral thesis about laboratory mice bedding preferences. After a position in an animal facility in the pharmaceutical industry, she is working since 2012 as scientific associate for Altromin Spezialfutter GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. She has more than a decade of experience in laboratory animal science (FELASA certificate Category B&C; established lecturer in FELASA B&C-training courses). As part of her professional activity, it is her special concern to inform and sensitize for the factor of laboratory animal nutrition with respect to research quality and animal welfare.