FVB/NJ mouse, Friend Virus B NIH Jackson, FVB/N, FVBN
FVB/NJ are a widely used multipurpose inbred strain. Due to the prominent pronuclei in their fertilized eggs and the large litter size, FVB/NJ are commonly used for transgenic injection. FVB/NJ mice are homozygous for the retinal degeneration 1 allele of Pde6brd1, resulting in blindness by wean age.
Nomenclature: FVB/NJ
Type: Inbred
Origin: In 1966, outbred Swiss mice at the National Institutes of Health were selectively bred for either resistance or sensitivity to histamine challenge post pertussis vaccination. At the eighth generation of inbreeding (in the early 1970s), the sensitive line, HSFS/N, was found to carry the Fv1b allele which confers sensitivity to the Friend leukemia virus B strain. The FVB/N strain resulted from inbreeding this line for the Fv1b allele. In 1988 FVB/N mice were imported from NIH to Dr. Taketo at The Jackson Laboratory and in 1991 these were re-derived at F50 into the foundation stocks facility at The Jackson Laboratory. In December 2002 this strain reached F87.
Detailed description: FVB/NJ was inbred for the Fv1b allele which confers sensitivity to the Friend leukemia virus B strain. Due to the prominent pronuclei in their fertilized eggs and the large litter size, FVB/NJ mice are commonly used for transgenic injection. Compared to many other inbred strains, FVB/NJ is highly susceptible to asthma-like airway responsiveness with significant generation of antigen-specific IgE. Despite having the H2q MHC haplotype, FVB/NJ are resistant to collagen-induced arthritis. This resistance stems from coding polymorphisms in Tcra-V11.1 and a genomic deletion of some Tcrb-V genes that includes Tcrb-V8.2. FVB/NJ have higher than average activity, anxiety, and basal body temperature, low stress-induced hyperthermia, and are homozygous for the Pde6brd1 allele, which results in early onset retinal degeneration. Although FVB/N typically do not develop spontaneous tumors, they are highly susceptible to chemically induced squamous cell carcinomas with a high rate of malignant conversion from papilloma to carcinoma. For more information, please refer to Michael Festing's Index of Inbred Strain Characteristics.
JAX™ Stock No: 01800
More information about the strain - visit JAX website.
Note: Only The Jackson Laboratory and Charles River in Europe and Japan maintain colonies of JAX™ Mice strains which are derived from pedigreed mice from The Jackson Laboratory and are re-infused routinely with pedigreed mice to stabilise the genetic integrity and phenotype of these strains.
JAX™ is a trademark of The Jackson Laboratory registered in the United States. All rights reserved.
Charles River Laboratories is the official distributor of JAX mice in Europe. Click and read more.