IR Elevated Plus Maze for Rats
The elevated plus maze (EPM) is used to measure anxiety in rats and mice. The model is based on the rodent's instinctive tendency to explore novel environments and also to avoid unprotected open and elevated spaces. For neurobiological anxiety research.
High quality maze with surface texture selected for best rodent comfort. Optimized for use with video tracking software (high contrast, non reflective). Easy to set up, easy to clean.
The elevated plus-maze test is used as a rodent model of anxiety, and is representative of those tests that are based upon the study of spontaneous behaviour patterns. The model is based on the test animal's aversion to open spaces. In the EPM, this anxiety is expressed by the animal spending more time in the enclosed arms.
The elevated plus maze is a widely used behavioral assay for rodents and it has been validated to assess the anti-anxiety effects of pharmacological agents and steroid hormones, and to define brain regions and mechanisms underlying anxiety-related behavior.
Briefly, rats or mice are placed at the junction of the four arms of the maze, facing an open arm, and entries/duration in each arm are recorded by a video-tracking system and observer simultaneously for 5 min. Other ethological parameters (i.e., rears, head dips and stretched-attend postures) can also be observed.
An increase in open arm activity (duration and/or entries) reflects anti-anxiety behavior.
- The elevated plus maze is a widely used behavioral assay for rodents.
- EPM has been validated to assess the anti-anxiety effects of pharmacological agents and steroid hormones, and to define brain regions and mechanisms underlying anxiety-related behavior.
Durable, optimized for video tracking and rodent comfort
- High quality, reliable, sturdy and durable.
- Engineered by Ugo Basile to optimize video tracking success through our use of high contrast, non-reflective surfaces:
- Selection of high-contrast colors for optimal motion tracking: grey, white, black, (Ugo Basile) light blue or custom.
- Use of non-reflective, anti-glare surface. Reflections and glare are a common source of error in video tracking. We avoid this!
- Maze surface texture is selected for best rodent comfort – anti-slip and “warm” (rather than a smooth or cold surface that rodents find uncomfortable).
- 4 metal legs for device stability support the EPM.
- Easy to construct.
- Closed Arms can be easily detached for cleaning and storage.
Feature & Benefit of Y-Maze IR for Rats
- High-contrast colors give optimal results with any Video-Tracking software
- Non-reflecting surface guarantees optimal camera view and no glare
- Available in grey (standard), blue, white, black, custom color
- Reasonably rough “warm” surface texture selected for best rodent comfort, non-slippery
- Reliable and durable mazes, easy to clean and store