IRIS imaging system PET, CT
The IRIS scanner is dedicated to in-vivo preclinical research on small animal such as mice and rats. IRIS is available in single modality PET, CT or dual modality PET/CT. IRIS technology is extremely flexible and an IRIS PET or CT scanner can be upgraded to PET/CT at a later stage.
This PET/CT system is optimized for rodent imaging. It is characterized by high performance and high throughput. It is really easy to operate and comfortable in daily workflow.
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PET scanner features
- Highest sensitivity PET
- PET spatial resolution near 1 mm
- Full mouse FOV
- Best energy resolution
CT scanner features
- CT optimized for speed
- Low dose and high resolution
- Sensorless cardiac and resp. gating
- 4D CT imaging technology
More information and scan images you will find on inviscan website here
PET specifications
- Sensitivity: > 9% [250 - 750 keV]
- Spatial resolution: CFOV < 1 mm, average = 1.1 mm
- Axial FOV: 96 mm
- Trans-axial FOV: 81 mm
- Energy resolution: < 13%
- Timing resolution = 1.8 ns
CT specification
- X-ray tube: 20-80 kV, 0-1 mA, 80W max
- Detector imaging area: > 11.4 x 14.5 cm2
- Scan time: < 4 s (ultra-fast mode), 20 s (standard mode), 1 min (high resolution scan)
- Low dose: < 6.5 mGy
- Resolution: 73μm @ 10% MTF
- Minimal voxel resolution: < 30μm
- Axial FOV: > 90 mm
- Dynamic 4D acquisition
- Software based respiratory and cardiac gating
Extend system with following add-ons