NOD mouse (JAX™); NOD/ShiLtJ
Nomenclature: NOD/ShiLtJ
Type: Inbred mice
Origin: NOD inbred mice originated early in the inbreeding of the Cataract Shionogi (CTS) strain from the outbred Jcl:ICR mice. NOD strains were imported from a colony in Kyoto, Japan by Dr. M. Hattori to the Joslin Diabetes Centre in Boston in 1984. Breeder pairs from this importation were sent from The Joslin Diabetes Centre to Dr. E Leiter at The Jackson Laboratory, and are the source of the JAX production strains NOD/ShiLtJ. The current generation of inbreeding is F83. Breeding is in accordance with The Jackson Laboratory genetic management system.
The NOD/ShiLtJ strain (commonly called NOD) is a polygenic model for autoimmune type 1 diabetes. Diabetes in NOD mice is characterized by hyperglycemia and insulitis, a leukocytic infiltration of the pancreatic islets. Marked decreases in pancreatic insulin content occur in females at about 12 weeks of age and several weeks later in males. A 2017 phenotyping study found that 90% of females and 52% of males became diabetic by 30 weeks; median female incidence was 18 weeks. Immune phenotypes in the NOD background consist of defects in antigen presentation, T lymphocyte repertoire, NK cell function, macrophage cytokine production, wound healing, and C5 complement. These defects make the NOD background a common choice for immunodeficient mouse strains.
Coat color: White (albino)
Strain code: 613
Ideal for: Polygenic model for autoimmune type 1 diabetes
JAX™ Stock No: 001976
More information about the strain:
Note: Only The Jackson Laboratory and Charles River in Europe and Japan maintain colonies of JAX™ Mice strains which are derived from pedigreed mice from The Jackson Laboratory and are re-infused routinely with pedigreed mice to stabilise the genetic integrity and phenotype of these strains.
JAX™ is a trademark of The Jackson Laboratory registered in the United States. All rights reserved.
Charles River Laboratories is the official distributor of JAX mice in Europe. Click and read more.
Bred in: Italy
Health reports: Using strain nomenclature find the strain at links below
*Photos provided courtesy of Charles River