
ChemoMetec is a worldwide leading manufacturer in the areas of cell counting and analysis in every segment of the biotech industry. ChemoMetec specializes in developing and producing high-precision equipment that delivers consistent data for thousands of customers across biotech, pharma and academic segments. Designed, manufactured and tested in Denmark, Chemometec instruments are built with quality materials, using expert workmanship.

Chemometec use patented technology enables to create instruments which are easy to use, whilst ensuring you achieve exceptional results again and again. Since they were founded in 1997, they have continually discovered new applications to develop their technology.
NucleoCounter® NC-200™, NucleoCounter® NC-202™, Xcyto® 5 and NucleoCounter® NC-3000™
Automated cell counters and advanced image cytometers make up Chemometec catalogue of instruments. Cell counters are ideal for good manufacturing practices (GMP) and 21 CFR part 11-ready. The instruments work with the Via1-Cassette™ and Via2-Cassette™, which are volume-calibrated and pre-filled with dyes to simplify sample handling and eliminate human error.