µ-Plate 96 Well Round Glass Bottom
Code 89607
Black 96 well plate with round wells and glass coverslip for super-resolution imaging, TIRF
- Multiwell plate for high-throughput screening and cell cultivation assays with superb optical quality
- Microplate for brilliant cell imaging due to low thickness variability of #1.5H glass coverslip bottom
- Flat bottom plate with black wells for low well-to-well crosstalk in high-resolution fluorescence microscopy
- Cultivation, high throughput screening (HTS), and high-resolution microscopy of cells
- High content screening and high content imaging of cells
- Widefield fluorescence imaging and confocal microscopy of living and fixed cells
- Compound screenings (toxicology)
- Large-scale transfection experiments
- Live cell imaging, also suited for extended periods
- Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) and single molecule applications
- Super-resolution microscopy (STED, SIM, (F)PALM, (d)STORM) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)
- Immunofluorescence staining