Pulsatile pressure Myograph System - 112PP
The Pressure Pulsation Myograph System - 112PP is an ideal system used to study the structure and function of isolated sections of small vessels (diameter >40μm) under near-physiological conditions. Vessel diameters can be measured in response to pharmacological and physiological stimuli. Beside the Pressure Pulsation Myograph System allows simulation of pulsations between 50 and 600BPM with a pressure difference up to 60 mmHg.
In this Pressure Pulsation Myograph, a built-in heating system maintains the chamber temperature, eliminating the need for continuous and often costly superfusion. The chamber cover includes ports for superfusion, rapid draining and filling, cumulative addition of drugs, and oxygenation. To facilitate cleaning, the chamber is made of acid-resistant stainless steel.
Measurements are continuously recorded by a computer with dimension analysis software - MyoVIEW.
Because of the technique's nature, physiological responses such as the myogenic response and flow-mediated dilation can be examined. The state-of-the-art Pressure Myograph software MyoVIEW will collect data such as vessel wall thickness, changes in vessel and lumen diameter, intravascular pressure, and a host of other calculated parameters, such as shear stress and vascular resistance, setting pressure or perfusion myography apart from standard organ bath techniques.
As an option, the FlowMeter - 162FM can be added to the system to measure flows between 15-4000μl/min. - flow cannot be measured during pulsation.
Myograph Chamber
- Constant transmural pressure or luminal flow situation
- Visualization of vessel through optical base window
- Longitudinal force measurements
- Vessel diameter >30µm and <10mm length
- In-line pressure transducers
- XYZ alingment of pressurized vessel
- Acid resistant stainless steel chamber
Interface Unit+
- Intregreted buffer resevoir (heated)
- Direct data streaming
- Integrated heat control
- Intregreted force and pressure calibration procedure
- Intuitive touch-screen menus
- Compact design / small footprint
Diameter Tracking Software
- Live detection
- Multiple zones for edge detection
- Multiple scanlines for accurate measurements
- Event markers and tracking
- Real-time calculations of diameter, wall thickness, cross-sectional area, flow, vascualr resistance, shear stress and more