Software for DMT myographs
Data acquisition software for wire myograph systems Provides the data integrity, display and analysis features needed for today's science.
In conjunction with a PowerLab data acquisition unit, LabChart software (for Windows and Macintosh) provides the data integrity, display and analysis features needed for today's science. LabChart offers easy selection of hardware settings, powerful online and offline analysis, procedure automation, seamless extraction of experimental data and clever display options.
A freely available software addition to LabChart. It allows a selected range of Wire Myograph and Tissue Bath Systems to stream data into LabChart.
Normalization is the process of determining the optimal pretension conditions for each artery prior to conducting an experiment.
The Normalization Module is an add-on to the LabChart acquisition software, which when installed is fully integrated into the software and enables the calculation of optimal pretension conditions to be easily carried out while recording with the PowerLab system.