
Tumor scanner - demo product

16 500,00 €
10 700,00 €
Code TM900demo

The first version of the Peira scanner is a post-demonstration model. The device was serviced and calibrated by the manufacturer. We offer the possibility of purchasing it at a reduced price, after a week of free trial by the customer.

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TM900 is a complete platform; besides the handled device, the TM900 comes with a touch screen panel PC with the measurement software.
The measurement software allows visualizing the tumor topography and the analyzed surface.
 Important tumor features such as height, width, depth and volume are automatically calculated. Previous measurements of the animals are shown on the screen to allow instantaneous folllow-up of tumore volume over tie. The software interface also allows coupling with other hardware such as balances, RFID scanners, ... to allow for complementary measurements. An export function is foreseen to export the data to the management software for further ananlysis.

The management software allows for a complete data management of your data; you can defne experiments, assign animals to groups (randomization), visualize and reanalyze the tumors and make plots of the data. Export to e.g. exel is foreseen.

Whay the TM900?

  • Visualization in 3D of the tumor topography. This allows for visual inspection of the tumor shape and morphology over time and flagging of the necrotic or inflamed tumors.

  • Data integrity and traceability. The software allow for storage, ananlysis, visualization and management of the data, which is essential for robust data follow-up and QA-requirements

  • Validation. High resolution 3D images are acquired, allowing precise volume estimations and validation of the measured surface. Especially oddly shaped or thin tumors benefit from TM900 volume estimations.

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  • Measurement range (X - Y): 25 mm - 25 mm
  • Maximum tumor size (L x W x H): 20 mm x 20 mm x 20 mm
  • Accuracy per measured 3D point: < 0,3 mm
  • Stereo capture time: ~ 0,1 s
  • Device, panel-pc interface
  • USB 2.0
  • Camera 1600 x 1200 pixel (2 MP)
  • Projector 300 x 300 pixels, 532 nm (green for optimal contrast)
  • Camera/projector working distance: 50 mm

Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic

International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw, Poland

Publications by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Publications by Hainan Medical College

Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford

Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan


•    City University of Hong Kong
•    Hunter College, CUNY*
•    Vanderbilt University Medical Center*
•    Hainan Medical University*
•    Howard Hughes Medical Institute*
•    Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center*
•    Cancer Center Amsterdam
•    GlaxoSmithKline
•    Imec
•    K.U.Leuven
•    Neuro-Electronics Research Flanders

•    Pepric
•    PharmaVize
•    reMYND
•    University Ghent
•    SEPS Pharma
•    Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie
•    University Antwerp
•    ThromboGenics
•    Janssen Pharmaceutica