BALB/c Nude mouse, CAnN.Cg-Foxn1nu/Crl
Nomenclature: CAnN.Cg-Foxn1nu/Crl
Type: Inbred, Immunodeficient
Origin: Developed through crosses and back-crosses between BALB/cABom-nu and BALB/cAnNCrj-nu at Charles River Laboratories Japan (CRLJ). Pedigreed pregnant females of CAnN.Cg-Foxn1nu/Crl were received from CRLJ in 1985. This mouse is inbred, and genetic monitoring results confirm it to be a BALB/c nude. The animal lacks a thymus, is unable to produce T-cells, and is therefore immunodeficient.
The control model for the BALB/c Nude Mouse is the BALB/c Heterozygous Mouse (NU+ B/c; NU+ BALB/c).
See Charles River webpage with resources about immunodeficient models: Immunodeficient Mice and Rats
Coat color: Hairless, albino background (Homozygous), White, albino (Heterozygous)
Strain code: 194 (Homozygous), 195 (Heterozygous)
Ideal for: Tumor biology and xenograft research
Bred in: Germany, UK
Health reports: Using strain nomenclature find the strain at links below
- animals health reports bred in Charles River Germany
- animals health reports bred in Charles River UK
Learn more about immudeficient models bred by Charles River.
*Photos provided courtesy of Charles River