Digitail benchtop reader for reading of Digitail™ tags
Somark Digitail Benchtop Reader enables fast and accurate reading of Digitail™ Tags, ensuring you can correctly collect and associate experimental or observation data with the right animal every time, removing errors from your data.
Digitail Benchtop Reader is specially designed to be easy to use and help you have both hands free when reading your mouse or rat with its Digitail tag. Ideal for use in flowhoods and on workbenches, its small size and excellent read distance, ensure you maximise your productivity and efficiency when reading the tag IDs and collecting experimental data from your animals.
The Reader will read the animal tags through plastic or glass containers, enabling to you reduce the handling of your animals and thereby minimising risks to your research from handling stress.
The Reader connects to your LinkTo program on your computer / laptop via a USB port. It is quick to set up and very easy to use.
Digitail Benchtop Reader enables fast and accurate reading of Digitail™ Tags, ensuring you can correctly collect and associate experimental or observation data with the right animal every time, removing errors from your data.
The Reader integrates with a range of applications, including BioVolume from Fuel3D, StudyLog and Tick@Lab from a-tune. Animalab offers a-tune software as well.
Watch the BioVolume integration video here to see an example of how easy the solution is to use.