Charles River Laboratories

FVB mouse, FVB/NCrl

Code 241031
FVB mice are ideal for generating transgenic mouse models, with prominent pronuclei for transgene microinjection and high reproductive performance.
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Nomenclature: FVB/NCrl

Type: Inbred mice

Origin: Derived in 1935 from an outbred Swiss colony [N:GP(S)] at NIH. In the early 1970s, while being established as an inbred strain, sensitivity to Friend leukemia virus B strain was discovered. At this time inbreeding of this line for the Fv1b allele was undertaken and the strain was called FVB. To Charles River from NIH in 1994.

Coat color: White (albino)

MHC Haplotype: H2q

Strain code: 207

Ideal for: Transgenic/knockout model development

Bred in: Germany, UK, US

Health reports: Using strain nomenclature find the strain at links below

*Photos provided courtesy of Charles River