Charles River Laboratories

Spontaneously Hypertensive Stroke Prone (SHRSP) rat, SHRSP/A3NCrl

Code SHRSP rat
ADHD rat model with applications in nephropathy, hypertension and osteoporosis research.
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Nomenclature: SHRSP/A3NCrl

Type: Inbred

Origin: The Spontaneously Hypertensive Stroke Prone Rat (SHRSP) was isolated from Wistar-Kyoto rats by Okamoto and Aoki in 1963. The A3 subline was transferred to the National Institutes of Health in 1975 from Yamori at generation F36. To Charles River in 2002.

Coat color: White (albino)

Strain code: Cryopreserved

Ideal for:Stroke, ADHD model, nephropathy, hypertension, osteoporosis

Bred in: US, model crypreserved

Health reports: Report available after cryorecovery.

*Photos provided courtesy of Charles River