Zucker rat (obese), Crl:ZUC-Leprfa
Nomenclature: Crl:ZUC-Leprfa
Type: Outbred
Origin: The obese or fatty condition appeared spontaneously in the 13M strain maintained at the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology of Theodore and Lois Zucker in Stow, MA. Research colonies were established at many institutions from this nucleus colony. To Charles River in 1985 from a research colony maintained at a pharmaceutical company.
The control model for the Zucker Rat (Obese) is the Zucker Rat (Lean).
Coat color: Four principal variants: 1. predominantly brown; 2. brown and white; 3. predominantly black; 4. black and white.
Strain codes: 185 (Obese)
Ideal for:Insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, metabolic syndrome, genetic obesity.
Bred in: US
Health reports: Using strain nomenclature find the strain at link below
*Photos provided courtesy of Charles River