Charles River Laboratories

RNU Nude rat, Crl:NIH-Foxn1rnu

Code 241038
RNU Nude Rats are spontaneous mutant rats suitable for use in transplantation, tumor therapy, and carcinogenesis research, among many other purposes.
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Nomenclature: Crl:NIH-Foxn1rnu

Type: Outbred, Immunodeficient

Origin: The NIH nude rat was developed in 1979–1980 through a series of matings involving 8 inbred rat strains. To Charles River from the National Institutes of Health in 2001. This athymic nude rat is T-cell deficient and shows depleted cell populations in thymus-dependent areas of peripheral lymphoid organs.

The control model for the RNU nude rat is the RNU Heterozygous Rat (RNU+).

See Charles River webpage with resources about immunodeficient models: Immunodeficient Mice and Rats

Coat color: White, black, black and white

Strain code: 316 (Homozygous), 118 (Heterozygous)

Ideal for: Tumor biology, immunology, and xenograft research

Bred in: Germany

Health reports: Using strain nomenclature find the strain at links below

*Photos provided courtesy of Charles River