
Rat stereotax MARTA with contact free vital signs monitoring

The MARTA stereotax rat is designed to optimize your existing rat stereotaxic U-shaped frames for surgery on rats, providing, for the first time, easy, contact-free vital sign monitoring during these procedures. 

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This extension includes a heated base plate, which addresses the common issue of hypothermia during animal anaesthesia by providing consistent warmth, since the rat is only partially positioned on MARTA pad. The heated base plate can be purchased with or without the rat stereotaxic U-shaped frame (base-only version), depending on your needs. 

​This versatile extension is compatible with all commonly used rat stereotaxic U-shaped frames and manipulator arms, offering flexibility and ease of integration into your current setup. 

​The platform features an integrated suction system that effectively removes inhalant anaesthetic residues, ensuring a safer and cleaner surgical environment. The suction system is compatible with 14mm tube connectors and 6mm silicon tube.

​Featuring a robust, easy to clean, and user-friendly design, the MARTA Stereotax Rat ensures a sterile environment and enhance your surgical performance, offering a stable, accurate platform for detailed monitoring during all your stereotaxic surgeries.