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3D cell culture
Alzheimer, dementia
Anxiety, depression
Bile sampling
Bioluminescent imaging
Blood and fluid flow, oxygenation
Blood sampling
Breeding, reproduction
Cell biology
Cell culture, co-cultivation
Cell culture under flow
Cells, tissues
3D cell culture
Blood and fluid flow, oxygenation
Cell biology
Cell culture, co-cultivation
Cell culture under flow
Cell therapy
Centrifuges, cell separation
Endothelial cell
Isolated tissues and organs
Live cell imaging
Locating and counting cells
Molecular biology
Organoids, spheroids
Preparation of cell culture for imaging
Screening and high throughput of cells, HTS screening
Super-resolution microscopy
Transgenesis, targeted mutations
Wound healing and migration
Yeast cells
Cell therapy
Centrifuges, cell separation
Cleanliness and sterility
Drug development
Electrical mapping systems, Multi-Electrode Arrays MEAs
Endothelial cell
Fluorescent imaging
Imaging of animals
Bioluminescent imaging
Electrical mapping systems, Multi-Electrode Arrays MEAs
Fluorescent imaging
Laser, stereovision imaging, photometry
USG, ultrasound
X-ray, irradiators
Imaging of plants, seeds
Isolated tissues and organs
Laboratory equipment
Laser, stereovision imaging, photometry
Live cell imaging
Locating and counting cells
Molecular biology
Nondestructive testing NDT
Obesity, overweight
Oncology, cancer
Operations and animal procedures
Oral gavage
Organoids, spheroids
Pharma industry
Preparation of cell culture for imaging
R&D, Research and development
Bile sampling
Blood sampling
Drug development
Oral gavage
Stem cell research
Respiratory, pulmonology
Screening and high throughput of cells, HTS screening
Signals measurement
Stem cell research
Super-resolution microscopy
Transgenesis, targeted mutations
USG, ultrasound
Veterinary medicine
Wound healing and migration
X-ray, irradiators
Yeast cells
Zebrafish research
Knowledge Base
Charles River Laboratories
Charles River Laboratories
129 mice, 129S2/SvPasCrl
SPF SOPF -health profiles Charles River Europe-mice
Inbred Mice Datasheet Charles River
Routine Health Monitoring Protocol for Isolator-RearedVAFElite®Charles River
Athymic Nude mouse, Crl:NU(NCr)-Foxn1nu
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Immunodeficient Model Xenograft Data Collection
MX-1 Human Breast Tumor
A2780 Human Ovarian Tumor
U87MG Human Glioma Tumor
A375 Human Melanoma Tumor
B6 Albino mouse, B6N-Tyrc-Brd/BrdCrCrl
Inbred mice datasheet
B6C3F1 mouse, B6C3F1/Crl
Spontaneous Neoplastic Lesions in the B6C3F1/CrlBR Mouse 02.1989
BALB/c Nude mouse, CAnN.Cg-Foxn1nu/Crl
Biochemistry and hematology data for BALB/c Nude mouse
Immunodeficient models from Charles River Europe
Poster immunodeficient mouse models from Charles River Europe
BALB/c mouse, BALB/cAnNCrl
BALBc Clinical Pathology Data for Colonies in North America for January 2008 - December 2012
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
BALB/c-Elite mouse, BALB/cAnNCrl
VAF/Elite® health profile
Routine health monitoring of isolator-reared VAF/Elite® animals
Brown Norway rat, BN/Crl
Brown Norway model information sheet
Inbred rats datasheet from Charles River
C3H mouse, C3H/HeNCrl
Mouse models with SPF/SOPF health profiles from Charles River Europe
C57BL/6 aged mouse, C57BL/6NCrl
C57BL/6 mouse model information sheet
Body composition characteristics of early and late adult C57BL/6NCrl mice
Clinical chemistry characteristics of early and late adult C57BL/6NCrl mice
Hematology characteristics of early and late adult C57BL/6NCrl mice
E-book Characteristics of early and late adult C57BL/6NCrl mice
C57BL/6NCrl mouse
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
Weight of male C57BL6NCrl mice fed high fat diet D12492
Biochemistry and hematology for C57BL6NCrl colonies in North American 01. 2008-12.2012
C57 mouse model information sheet
C57 mouse fasting blood glucose levels in Male C57BL6NCrl fed high fat diet D12492
Phenotype and genotype comparison for C57BL6N substrains contributing to the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium IMPC
The role of the C57BL6N mouse in the creation of future genetically engineered models White Paper
Reducing aggression in mice
CD-1® IGS mouse
CD-1 mouse model information sheet
Clinical-pathology-data-for-north-american-cd-1-mouse-colonies-for 01.2008-12.2011
CD-1 mouse International Genetic Standardization IGS program
CD 1 mouse spontaneous neoplastic lesions in the crlcd1icr mouse in control groups from 18 month to 2 year studies 3.2010
CD 1 mouse spontaneous neoplastic lesions in the crlcd 1r icrbr mouse march 2000
CD 1 mouse spontaneous neoplastic lesions in the crlcd 1ricrbr mouse in control groups from 18 month to 2 year studies march 2005
CD 1 mouse spontaneous neoplastic lesions in the crlcd 1rbr mouse march 1995
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
CD-1® Nude mouse, Crl:CD1-Foxn1nu
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Biochemistry and hematology for CD-1® Nude mouse colonies in North American for 01.2011 – 12.2011
CD® (Sprague Dawley) IGS rat, Crl:CD(SD)
CD® IGS rat model information sheet
International Genetic Standardization (IGS) Program
Vascular catheter locking solutions in rats: sodium citrate as an alternative to heparin
Outbred rats datasheet
Compilation of spontaneous neoplastic lesions and survival in Crl:CD® (SD) rats from control groups - 03.2013
Histopathology findings in 4-26 week old Crl:CD® (SD) rats - 03.2012
Clinical laboratory parameters for Crl:CD® (SD) rats - 03.2006
Compilation of spontaneous neoplastic lesions and survival in Crl:CD® (SD) rats from control group - 03.2004
Biological reference data on CD(SD) IGS rats - 2002-2003
Postnatal growth, development, and behavioral/functional evaluation Crl:CD® (SD) IGS BR rats - 03.2002
Compilation of spontaneous neoplastic lesions and survival in Crl:CD® (SD) BR rats from control groups - 03.2001
Biological reference data on CD(SD) IGS dats - 2001
The development and maintenance of the Crl:CD® (SD) IGS BR rat breeding system - 1998
Spontaneous neoplastic lesions and survival in Crl:CD® (SD) BR rats maintained on dietary restriction - 03.1998
Historical control data (1992-1994) for developmental and reproductive toxicity studies using the Crl:CD® (SD) BR rat - 03.1996
Hematology parameters for the Crl:CD® BR rat - 02.1993
Serum chemistry parameters for the CRL:CD® BR rat - 02.1993
Spontaneous neoplastic lesions and selected non-neoplastic lesions in the Crl:CD® BR rat - 02.1992
Spontaneous ophthalmic lesions in the Crl:CD® BR rat - 02.1991
Clinical pathology data for North American CD® rat colonies for 01.2006 - 12.2011
Heart rate for male CD® rats fed Purina 5L79 diet (03.2009)
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
CF-1™ mouse,Crl:CF1
Outbred Mice Datasheet
Biochemistry and Hematology CF-1™ Mouse Colonies in North American for January 2008 – December 2012
DBA/2 mouse
Inbred Mice Datasheet Charles River
FVB mouse, FVB/NCrl
Inbred mice datasheet
Fischer (CDF) rat, F344/DuCrl
Spontaneous neoplastic lesions in the CDF® (F-344)/CrlBR rat (02.1990)
Technical Bulletin - Baseline hematology and clinical chemistry values for Charles River Fischer-344 rats - CDF®(F-344)CrlBR - as a function of sex and age (01.1984)
Fox Chase SCID® mouse ,CB17/Icr-Prkdcscid/IcrIcoCr
The CB17_Icr-Prkdcscid_IcrIcoCrl Mouse- A Fox Chase SCID® (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency) Model
Immunodeficient Models Charles River Europe
Trace Antibody Production by scid Mice
Bt-474 Human Breast Tumor
Caki-2 Human Renal Tumor
SNU-5 Human Gastric Tumor
Hartley Guinea Pig, Crl:HA
Biochemistry and hematology Hartley Guinea Pig Ccolonies in North American for 01.2008 – 12.2008
Comparison of two hydration gel products for use in shipping of Guinea Pigs
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
LVG Golden Syrian Hamster, Crl:LVG(SYR)
Biochemistry and hematology for LVG Golden Syrian Hamster colonies in North American for 01.2011 – 12.2011
LVG Golden Syrian Hamster-relevancy and application in COVID-19 research
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
Lewis rat, LEW/Crl
Biochemistry and hematology for Lewis rat colonies in North American for 01.2008 – 12.2011
Long-Evans rat, Crl:LE
Outbred rats datasheet
Biochemistry and hematology data for Long-Evans rat
Mongolian Gerbil, Crl:MON(Tum)
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
NCI SCID/NCr mouse, CB17/Icr-Prkdcscid/IcrCr
Health monitoring of immunodeficient rodents in isolators in North America and Europe
NIH-III Nude mouse, Crl:NIH-Lystbg-JFoxn1nuBtkxid
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Immunodeficient models from Charles River Europe
NMRI Nude mouse, Crl:NMRI-Foxn1nu
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
NOD SCID mouse, NOD.CB17-Prkdcscid/NCrCrl
Biochemistry and hematology for NOD SCID mouse
Immunodeficient Models from Charles River Europe
Poster immunodeficient mouse models from Charles River Europe
Trace antibody production by scid mice
NU/NU Nude mouse, Crl:NU-Foxn1nu
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Biochemistry and hematology data for NU/NU mouse
Immunodeficient models from Charles River Europe
New Zealand White Rabbit - CR, Crl:KBL(NZW)
New Zealand White rabbits - model information sheet
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
RNU Nude rat, Crl:NIH-Foxn1rnu
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Immunodeficient models from Charles River Europe
The RNU Rat - A T-cell-deficient, athymic nude rat model
SCID Beige mouse, CB17.Cg-PrkdcscidLystbg-J/Crl
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Biochemistry and hematology data for SCID Beige mouse
Immunodeficient models from Charles River Europe
Poster immunodeficient mouse models from Charles River Europe
Case Study: Surgery Model Utilizations in Oncology
Technical sheet - Trace antibody production by scid mice
SCID Hairless Congenic (SHC) mouse, CB17.Cg-PrkdcscidHrhr/IcrCrl
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Immunodeficient models from Charles River Europe
SCID Hairless Outbred (SHO®) mouse, Crl:SHO-PrkdcscidHrhr
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Immunodeficient models from Charles River Europe
SHO® Mouse - a double-homozygous SCID Hairless Outbred model
Characterization of a new hairless SCID mouse
Technical sheet - Trace antibody production by scid mice
Biochemistry and hematology for SCID Hairless Outbred mouse
SCID mouse, CB17/Icr-Prkdcscid/IcrIcoCrl
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Biochemistry and hematology data for SCID mouse
Immunodeficient models from Charles River Europe
Poster immunodeficient mouse models from Charles River Europe
Case Study: Surgery model utilizations in oncology
Technical Sheet: The CB17/Icr-Prkdcscid/IcrIcoCrl Mouse: A Fox Chase SCID® (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency) Model
Technical sheet - Trace antibody production by scid mice
Xenograft data - Caki-2 Human Renal Tumor
Xenograft data SNU-5 Human Gastric Tumor
Xenograft data - Bt-474 Human Breast Tumor
SJL-Elite mouse, SJL/JOrlIcoCrl
Inbred mice datasheet
Routine health monitoring of isolator-reared VAF/Elite® animals
VAF/Elite® Health Profile
SRG Rat, Sprague Dawley-Rag2em2heraIl2rgem1hera/HblCrl
Charles River_Hera Biolabs SRG OncoRat_double-knockout rat supports enhanced precision-medicine based cancer studies_Poster 07.2020
Spontaneously Hypertensive Heart Failure (SHHF) rat (Obese cp/cp), SHHF/MccGmiCrl-Leprcp/Crl
Animal models of metabolic, renal and cardiovascular disease datasheet
Spontaneously Hypertensive Stroke Prone (SHRSP) rat, SHRSP/A3NCrl
Animal models of metabolic, renal and cardiovascular disease datasheet
Swiss Nude mice, Crl:NU(Ico)-Foxn1nu
Charles River, JAX Disease and immunodeficient animal models flyer EN
Strategies to minimize genetic drift and maximize experimental reproducibility in mouse research
Swiss Webster mouse - CFW®, Crl:CFW(SW)
Outbred Mice Datasheet
Clinical Pathology Data for North American CFW® Mouse Colonies for January 2008 - December 2012
Wistar HAN IGS rat
Outbred rats Datasheet
Clinical Laboratory Parameters for Crl-WI(Han) Rats - March 2008
Neoplastic and Non-NeoPlastic Lesions in the Charles River Wistar Hannover [Crl-WI(Han)] Rat - March 2011
Reproductive Parameters and Fetal Data from Reproductive Toxicity Studies in the Wistar Hannover [Crl-WI(Han)] Rat - March 2009
Spontaneous Neoplasms and Survival in Wistar Han Rats- Compilation of Control Group Data - March 2003
Wistar Han Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) - February 2008
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
Wistar IGS rat
Outbred rats datasheet
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
Wistar Kyoto WKY rat
Blood pressure characterization of hypertensive and control rats for cardiovascular studies (2008)
ZDF rat (Obese fa/fa), ZDF-Leprfa/Crl
Diet evaluation study for the induction of type 2 diabetes in obese female ZDF rats
Animal models of metabolic, renal and cardiovascular disease datasheet
Anesthesia does not affect development of diabetes in ZDF rats
Biochemistry and hematology for ZDF rat colonies in North American for 01.2008 – 12.2010
Blood glucose values for obese male ZDF rats fed Purina 5008 (Kingston, NY
Fed glucose and insulin values for obese male ZDF rats fed Purina 5008 (01.2010 – 07.2010)
Blood glucose values for obese male ZDF rats fed Purina 5008 (Kingston, NY - 07.2009)
Cholesterol levels for obese male ZDF fed IR Purina 5008 (Portage, MI and Kingston, NY - 08.2005)
Insulin values for obese male ZDF rats fed IR Purina 5008 (Portage, MI and Kingston, NY - 08.2005)
Triglyceride levels for obese male ZDF rats Fed IR Purina 5008 (Portage, MI and Kingston, NY - 08.2005)
Oral glucose tolerance test on obese male ZDF rats fed IR Purina 5008 (Portage, MI and Kingston, NY - 08.2005)
Weight chart for obese male ZDF rats fed IR Purina 5008 (Portage, MI and Kingston, NY - 08.2005)
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX
Zucker rat (obese), Crl:ZUC-Leprfa
Animal popular models overview and quality flyer EN, CRL, JAX